Question Types

Free Text
The kind of question where the respondent types an answer.
What is your name?
Check Box Group
The kind of question where the respondent may choose one or more answers.
Which of the following desserts do you crave?
Chocolate mousse
Cheese cake
Lemon meringue pie

Note: A horizontal question group can be formed similarly to the 'Radio
Button Scale' example below.
Drop Down Menu
A question where the respondent may choose one answer from a drop down menu.
Drop down menus are usually used when there are many answers to choose from
and it's not important that the respondent notice them all.
In what country were you born?
Radio Button Group
The kind of question where the respondent may choose only one answer.
Do you think that following a healthy eating plan is important?
I'm not sure

Note: A horizontal question group can be formed similarly to the
'Radio Button Scale' example to the right.
Radio Button Scale
A question where the respondent may choose a number from a scale, for
example, a scale of 1 to 5. Often, several Radio Button Scale questions are
grouped together to form a horizontal question group.
On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you enjoy the following activities?
Swimming    Do not enjoyExtremely enjoy
TennisDo not enjoyExtremely enjoy
RunningDo not enjoyExtremely enjoy

Note: To group questions horizontally, such as in the above example, each line
should be a separate question with the same Question Type Code. Click
Options for any one of the questions and check 'Display questions as a group'.
Rank Group
A question where the respondent is asked to rank a number of items.
How would you rank these presidents?
  Barack Obama
  George W. Bush
  Bill Clinton
A question for which the answer is a date.
When is your birthday?

The header type differs from the other Question Types. It is not really a type of
question. Rather, it is a text that can introduce a new set of questions or function
as instructions or a preliminary explanation before a set of questions.
Please feel free to call us if you have queries regarding the questions on this page.